

The primary criterion for membership is sustained academic excellence in a specific field. This does not necessarily apply to class III (Arts), class VII (World Religions) and class VIII (Corporate and Public Governance). A candidate must in any case be able to think interdisciplinary and contribute to the mission and vision of the Academy. EASA wants to elect scientists, scholars and experts of international distinction, irrespective of nationality, gender, location or discipline.

Nomination and election process

A proposal for a new member can only be submitted by an existing fellow, i.e. you cannot nominate yourself. 

If you want to nominate a candidate, please complete the official nomination form, sign it, and send it

 (with CV and publication list) via e-mail to Please note that nomination 

proposals must be submitted in electronic form and can be submitted at any time.

However, if your nominee should be considered for the next Festive Session, your nomination has to be submitted 

by October 1st the latest (no exceptions!). If the dossier is complete, it will be sent to the Dean (chairman) 

of the respective class and the respective member of the Nomination Committee, who both evaluate the 

qualifications of the nominee. After the evaluation process has been completed, the candidate and the evaluations 

will be presented to the members of the Senate, who decide about the membership. If a candidate is finally approved 

of and elected by the Senate, he/she will receive a “letter of election” by the President.