  • Natural Sciences


I hold a degree in Biological Sciences and a PhD on “Flora and Vegetation Ecology of mountain ecosystems”. My research interests and key-expertise (1990-2021) lie in: flora and vegetation analysis, conservation and ecology of species and habitats focusing to: inventory, monitoring, assessment and mapping of habitats and ecosystems in protected areas (Greece and Cyprus); biodiversity evaluation and analysis (species and community level); mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services; vegetation and flora databases; Article 17 (Dir. 92/43/EEC) reporting on the conservation status assessment of habitat types (Greece and Cyprus); conservation policy and National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Implementation. I have published 136 articles in international scientific journals (1990-2021), I have participated with 110 and 90 oral presentations in International and National Conferences respectively. I have participated as lead researcher and to date have coordinated 40 national and 20 European research projects.